The Next Level

From JUCO to the MLB, check out the players that have continued TATE’s tradition of excellence at the “Next Level”.

We are proud of each and every one of you! Go Aggies!!

Every effort has been made to reflect the most current data, but some players may have missing or incorrect entries (see bottom). Please help maintain this list by emailing corrections or updates to: [email protected]

Player Name  —  Given name, if available.
Positions  —  All positions played during career, as his current positions, the position for the selected season or as the dominant position of his career.
Ht  —  Height of player.
Wt  —  Weight of player. At time player entered the system. Sometimes updated as they age and progress through minors to MLB.
Bats  —  Batting side (left/right/both)
Throws  —  Pitching arm (Left/right/rarely both)
Born  —  Date of birth, if available. Sometimes expressed as a year based on best available information
Place  —  Place of birth or hometown. The aim is birth location but sources vary in their interpretation of this attribute. Might change over time for some players based on new information provided.
High Level  —  Highest level reached in baseball with MLB as the highest and Minor League Levels next (AAA,AA,A+,A,A-,Rk). Next is Indy (Independent Leagues) and then College
MLB Years  —  Range of years played in the Major Leagues. Might include years in between with no appearances. (Injured, in minors or out of baseball)
Stat Years  —  Range of years with stats available in The Baseball Cube system.
Draft Info  —  Latest draft instance for player, whether signed or not.
College(s)  —  All colleges attended. Intended to reflect schools where they played baseball (or another sport). Post-career education is not considered relevant.
